You have too much time

At any given time, I have one physical goal and one intellectual goal. Do you?

Sophia L. Blake
3 min readMay 17, 2019

If you can spend the whole day watching Netflix and binge a whole season of whatever show in a week..

If you spend 3 hours per day on your phone (there are apps for that- track yourself and you’ll be surprised when you see the stats!)..

Then YOU HAVE TOO MUCH TIME! Or you are not using it wisely.

Please, consider choosing an intellectual goal and a physical goal. I have one of each at any given time. It keeps me busy. I am behind on all the Netflix shows I follow and I intent to keep it like that.

Example of intellectual goals (inspired by my own list!):

  • Learning a new language (watching movies is great but actually carving out time to go to class could make a difference!)
  • Taking a certification relevant to your job or your next job or your dream job (even if it’s on coursera!)
  • Learning how to code (Python here I come) because the growing part of the business world is only going that way
  • Learning a new art. For example, two years ago, I decided to teach myself watercolour (thanks youtube). Safe to say I will never live out of my art but it was fun and a very meditating experience!
  • Learning how to cook. How about starting with your parents’ recipes? Bonding AND keeping the legacy alive — double win.
  • Deciding to read the top 50 best books according to whatever list you can find on Google. Hell start a book club if you want your ass to get kicked when you don’t read enough!
  • Deciding to watch the top 50 best movies on imbd (it’s ok, it’s cultural)
  • Writing a blog on Medium on whatever you are passionate about. Share your passion! Share your learnings! Someone will benefit from it, and you too.
  • Tutoring kids who need it! In the UK I do this with The Access Project. I love it because the kid comes to my work place, so I really only need one hour. Who doesn’t have an hour per week to help someone? There are tons of charities who need you!

Example of physical goals:

  • Learning a new sport (this will be tennis for me in H2 19, yes at the prime age of 32)
  • Taking on a challenge — join that 10k local race? Do that crazy 42.2k walk aka the Moon Walk in the UK?
  • Signing up to a marathon, triathlon, an ultra-marathon! That massive big seemingly unachievable goal that will force you to break it down into small pieces.
  • Trying yoga, Pilates, spinning, boxing, dancing, swimming, climbing, fencing, horse riding, golfing. Anything really!


Trying to do too many of those at the same time can be overwhelming too. I have experienced it myself. And if the outcome is guilt and feelings of failure, then that’s not what we are looking for. Pick one in each category. If it’s a big one, just pick one of either.


Don’t do this for the fans. Do this for yourself. Find something you have truly wanted to do for ages but somehow never made it to the starting line. My brother started to learn piano at age 30. He was told when he was 10 that it was too late. Then again at age 20. And then finally realised at age 30 that if he wanted to, he simply could!

And if you have not been convinced, then please start by reading Mindset by Carol Dweck.

It’s never too late to learn anything! It’s never too late to start anything!



Sophia L. Blake

My great grand children won't know what I did for a living nor which places I visited. They will have these stories. Legacy lives in the arts.